Next generation data reduction
with Topological Data Analysis


 ·  Our paper on MPI distributed computations in TTK has been accepted to IEEE TVCG! [Apr. 6, 2024]
 ·  Our paper on Wasserstein auto-encoders has been accepted to IEEE TVCG! [Nov. 13, 2023]
 ·  Our paper on Wasserstein dictionaries has been accepted to IEEE TVCG! [Oct. 23, 2023]
 ·  Don't miss our next hybrid seminar by Kate Turner on vineyard representations. [Nov. 28, 2023]
 ·  Join us at IEEE VIS in Melbourne for the 2023 TTK Tutorial! [Oct. 6, 2023]
 ·  Nina Otter's seminar is now available online! [Jun. 9, 2023]
 ·  Don't miss our next hybrid seminar by Nina Otter on the effectiveness of persistence. [May 18, 2023]

TORI develops the next generation data reduction tools based on Topological Data Analysis.
If you need to handle large-scale datasets, focus on the core structural information present in your data thanks to our algorithms. If you are interested in training and support, please feel free to contact us.

TORI researches, designs, implements and distributes new algorithms for the interactive analysis of large collections of datasets, based on concise structural representations of the data. Our work covers new methods for the comparison of topological data representations, as well as new approaches for the computation of these representations at scale.
Checkout our Publications page for more details!